1/9/2025 12:38 PM UPDATE: NO SPACE LEFT
This is now a a registration for a waitlist only
Introduction to Japanese Woodblock Printing with Sara Woodburn
Saturday, February 22, 2025
10 am – 4 pm
The Community Arts Workshop
631 Garden Street, Santa Barbara
In this one-day workshop, you will be learning the mokuhanga (Japanese Woodblock Printing) process and completing a beautiful handmade print. Additionally, it will also connect you to the traditional brush, baren, and paper making traditions of Japan. The workshop will cover basic carving of a 4” x 6” woodblock and printing by hand with water-based ink.
The workshop fee for instruction is $80 for members and $100 for nonmembers.
The supply kit for the workshop is $65 which includes:
- 1- 4” x 6” woodblock
- 1- #10 surikomi inking brush
- 1- medium standard baren
- 1- 4.5mm u gouge
- 1- 4.5mm v gouge
You may opt to bring your own supplies listed above if you have them, or purchase them through McClain’s online. imcclains.com (all materials) or hidatool.com (tools only)
All other supplies, such as paper, nori paste, and ink will be included.
Registration is limited to 12.
Deadline is February 4.
No refunds after February 7.
All refunds will incur a $15 cancellation fee.
Please bring lunch.
Water and some snacks will be provided.
Please click the above submit button.
Do not proceed to the below payment button if you register for the waitlist. When a space becomes available you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Contact [email protected] if you have any question.